These are not common problems. Yet, more and more people are finding out that they have to give up their post-lunch espresso or breakfast cappuccino because of a coffee allergy or intolerance. If you think you might be one of them, read on to discover how to recognise the symptoms.
How to recognise a coffee allergy
Coffee allergy is quite rare, but it can occur as an immune response in people who are predisposed to developing a coffee allergy, especially those who are constantly in contact with coffee beans and coffee powder, perhaps due to their job.
How do you recognise a coffee allergy? The main symptoms are very similar to those related to other food allergies.
Coffee allergy: symptoms affecting the gastro-intestinal system
- Nausea and sickness.
- Diarrhoea
- Stomach cramps.
Coffee allergy: symptoms affecting the respiratory system
- Cough and difficulty in breathing.
- Itchy throat.
Coffee allergy: symptoms affecting the circulatory and cardiac system
- Weak pulse or sudden peaks in blood pressure.
- Loss of consciousness.
Coffee allergy: symptoms affecting the skin
- Pallor
- Skin rashes such as hives, eczema, spots, acne, severe itch.
How to recognise a coffee intolerance
A coffee intolerance is less rare than an allergy, has milder effects and is less dangerous to your health. Usually, it is caused by either an excessive consumption of the beverage or by the acidification provoked by coffee, which affects the tissues of the stomach wall and the colon.
What symptoms could alert us to a coffee intolerance?
Coffee intolerance: symptoms
- Irritability
- Anxiety and nervousness.
- Discomfort
- Insomnia
- Stomach cramps.
- Tachycardia and high blood pressure.
- Muscle spasms.
Food to avoid
Those who are intolerant can simply remove a series of elements from their diet to make their symptoms disappear in a short time:
- Coffee
- Many types of tea.
- Energy drinks.
- Certain fizzy drinks.
- Certain energy bars.
- Cocoa and chocolate.
Care must also be taken with certain chewing gums, sweets and vitamins. Decaf coffee can contain a small quantity of caffeine, which can be enough to stimulate allergic reactions in predisposed subjects.
Alternatives for coffee intolerants
Did you know there are many delicious and healthy alternatives to espresso, perfect for those who cannot consume caffeine? Here are a few, click on these links to discover how to make them comfortably at home: